Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Finding the Option That Works

Man working on his deskA second mortgage is never a first choice — but it’s an option that many people turn to for help when they need it. But juggling two mortgages over the long term is a challenge, so many homeowners refinance to combine the two and get back to a single payment.
As with any loan, it’s crucial to have your documentation handy and a partner who can help you understand any glitches in the process. John Peters realized the importance of both those things when he consolidated his first and second mortgages this year.
Peters was looking to combine his first mortgage and a high-interest second mortgage to lower his monthly payment. However, after running into significant roadblocks with his local bank, he was left with few answers and little help in completing the refinance process. Then, he came to Reliance First Capital. Mortgage analyst Dan Stout not only helped him with his mortgage but also became his friend along the way.
Hitting a brick wall
Getting documentation of his good payment history should have been simple, but Peters explained that his local bank was unresponsive to his requests for the information. Even in-person visits to the bank failed to get a response. Success was achieved after Stout from Reliance First Capital explained that, in lieu of payment history from the bank, 12 months of mortgage statements would suffice as support for underwriting purposes. Luckily, Peters had these documents.
A high level of comfort
Peters had contacted other mortgage companies before he found and selected Reliance First Capital.
Peters says, “I didn’t feel comfortable with them. I felt like I was being pushed.”
From his first contact with Reliance First Capital, he was comfortable. Not only was Reliance First Capital responsive, but the mortgage analyst paid personal attention to him.
“Dan made me feel as though I was talking to member of my own family,” Peters says.
Reliance First Capital provided a comfortable experience for Peters and provided results. Stout was able to help Peters quickly assemble the rest of the paperwork for his refinance. Once it was all submitted, the rest of the process was quick, taking only a couple of weeks. Peters was so pleased with his experience.
“I called Dan and thanked him for everything he did,” Peters says.
Peters’ story is not a unique case but rather the standard. Regardless of your financial history, the experts at Reliance First Capital will work tirelessly with you and for you. They provide the solutions homeowners need, and they pride themselves on creating a comfortable and pleasant experience.

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