Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Safety First, when it comes to Decorating your Home this Holiday

Many US families love to decorate their homes in celebration of the holiday season. Here at Reliance First Capital, we want to bring awareness to the potential dangers your home could face when decorating. Reliance First Capital realizes it is important to put safety first when setting up for the holidays. According to data from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), each year an estimated 240 home fires involve Christmas trees and another 150 involve holiday lights. These fires cause an average of 21 deaths and $25.2 million in direct property damage.

In order to help avoid these disastrous events, Reliance First Capital brings you the following simple steps to help keep you and your family safe this holiday season:

Take care of your tree: Once the tree is in your home, water it regularly. Keep it away from heat sources, fires, and vents. A well-watered and maintained tree will be safer (and more beautiful!) than a dry one. Finally, be sure to remove the tree from your home once the season is over.

Examine your lights: Modern LED lights are much safer than candles or older electric lights, but they still have risks. Inspect light strands for frayed wires, broken sockets, and loose connections. Dispose of all faulty strands, and replace burnt-out bulbs. When decorating the outside of your home, check that you are using lights and cords designed for outdoor use.

Decorate with safety: Purchase non-flammable decorations and be sure your artificial trees are flame retardant. In addition, keep all decorations away from power and heat sources, and don’t block exits with any kind of decoration.

These simple precautionary steps, provided by Reliance First Capital, can help you, your loved ones, and your home remain safe this holiday season.

Reliance First Capital's experts are here to help you answer your home finance questions and find the options that will help you meet your goals. Learn more by contacting us at 866-735-9004 or visiting us online at www.reliancefirstcapital.com

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