Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring Cleaning for the Office and Your Brain

Is your home office too cluttered? If so, your business and your sanity could be suffering. Reliance First Capital understands that your living space is a reflection of what is going on inside your mind. Likewise, your home office space reflects what is going on in your business and household affairs. If your office is cluttered with inconsequential junk, chances are your business may be a little disorganized as well.

How to get started

The art of clearing is the practice of discarding what no longer works for you to make room for what matters. 
  • Give to get: You no longer use that 35mm camera or flip phone — it’s time to donate unused items to a thrift store or worthy cause. They get something useful and you reduce your clutter. 
  • Digitize it: Don’t print every receipt or email or keep every magazine. Create organized files on your computer and scan or download important documents. Use a cloud service to keep it backed up.
  • Five-minute mail smackdown: When you bring in the mail, focus on dealing with each item immediately. If you can handle the required action in under five minutes, take care of it right away. Otherwise, file it, trash it, or tuck it in your to-do folder. The same rule applies to emails.

So get organized - not only will you become more efficient, but your brain and your business will thank you!
Reliance First Capital specializes in helping customers reach their individual needs with the best loan options. Reliance First Capital can find the loan option to meet your unique lifestyle and financial goals. Learn more by contacting Reliance First Capital today at 866-735-9004 or visit us online at www.reliancefirstcapital.com.

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